PATH Int. CEUs Available

This course has been approved for PATH Intl. CEUs in the following designations:

Demystifying Equine-Assisted Services (EAS) through Research and Science

  • 3 CR-ALL and 1 CE, or
  • 4 CE

Course curriculum

    1. Demystifying EAS Day 1

    2. Demystifying EAS Day 1 | Slides

    3. ActivityDescriptions-EAS#1 | original description | the objective activity description | scientific description

    4. References List

    5. Worksheet #1 | Deconstruct

    6. Demystifying EAS Day 1 | Worksheet Downloads

    1. Demystifying EAS Day 2

    2. Demystifying EAS Day 2 | Slides

    3. Worksheet #2 | ReBUILD

    4. Demystifying EAS Day 2 | Worksheet Downloads

    5. NEW EAS ACTIVITY - Leadership & Respect Explorations Paper

    1. Join us in the Community Discussion!

About this course

  • $129.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content
  • “Demystifying Equine Assisted Services” Registration Join us for the premiere webinar course to enhance your Equine Assisted Activities.

“Demystifying Equine Assisted Services” Course